This also led me to give you this tip:ĭ is one of my favorite services. For whatever reason several of the files in my Dropbox folder were being backed up every couple of hours. However, after waiting for several minutes I got my answer.
The suspense was killing me! It takes the app a few minutes to report on what was backed up, especially if your Time Machine backup is happening over a network to a Mac OS X Server or Time Capsule. It's designed to give you a better view of what Time Machine is doing and more importantly for me "which" files were backed up in any given hourly backup. While Apple doesn't disclose the actual files that are being backed up each hour, I found a neat little utility that does. I was clueless as to what was being backed up?
Also I know that if you're using a virtual machine such as Parallels or VMWare Fusiion, that the Windows image file is large and will cause this, but again I hadn't booted in Windows in a while and even if I did, I keep that image file on a external drive that wasn't connected at the time. I'm well aware of the usual suspects such as a large Entourage database (I don't use Entourage anymore and don't even have it installed on this Mac).

This is when I knew that something wasn't right. Then I noticed two hours later that it was backing up roughly the same large amount of data. I thought to myself that I hadn't made a bunch of changes or additions to my drive recently and I couldn't figure out what was being backed up? So I just let it go.

A couple of weeks ago I noticed that Time Machine was backing up as it normally does, but it seemed to be backing up several gigabytes of data (around 16GBs). While no one can argue the simplicity of just turning Time Machine on and letting it do its thing, sometimes I need a little more information than what the Time Machine System Perferences will show me. However, sometimes Apple makes things too simple. I love Time Machine! I think it's one of the best additions to the modern Mac OS.